March 29- post Deeper Support Group in Dunedin
This week I have been:
- Following up on students who hadn't answered my three questions and fixing some issues for students who pointed them out- mostly things like formatting documents, bell times, time management
- Promoting the NetNZ survey
- Sorting out issues with the VC software on the PC
- Organising an assessment for L3 Eco
- Organising for a student to stay in her course even though she is going to Japan
- Meeting with the principal to update him on our Online students and the progress of our Deeper Support group- he is interested in looking at the resource from Guy Claxton we are using
- Spending time with several students who are worrying me- they showed me their course work, explained what they are having trouble with and we talked about some options
- Talked to an in school teacher about the stress levels of an online student who has to miss one class a week
- Sorting out the Online mark books with the person in our school who organises them
- Finishing the MOUs and scanning them off
- With drawing a students who has left
- Starting this blog
- Following up on spreadsheets that I haven't yet received from non NetNZ schools
- Helping a student work out his priorities when two classes are clashing
- Talking to our principal about the Grassroots project. He is interested in how to develop soft skills and I have shared the resource with him. He was very interested in our focus on perseverance. I updated him on our online students and invited him to come and talk with them.
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