
Showing posts from April, 2017

The end of term one

Where has the term gone?........ In the life of an eDean Term One is always crazy: There are enrolments to do- each one taking at least an hour of my time when you include talking to the students, consulting the deans, processing the enrolment and then setting up the student with their individual course needs. This year I did 45 enrolments and I've already had to change three of these. There are spreadsheets and rolls to organise and teachers to consult. All the students need help with their first couple of hangout lessons A lot of time is spent getting to know the students and helping them get started in their courses. This is so important, they are more likely to ask for help if they know you and realise you are expecting their questions.  There are many differing request from eTeachers to follow up on- including ordering text books and  supervising internals There are course mark books to set up and standards to check There are reports to write and process ...

March 29- post Deeper Support Group in Dunedin

Image This week I have been: Following up on students who hadn't answered my three questions and fixing some issues for students who pointed them out- mostly things like formatting documents, bell times, time management Promoting the NetNZ survey Sorting out issues with the VC software on the PC Organising an assessment for L3 Eco Organising for a student to stay in her course even though she is going to Japan Meeting with the principal to update him on our Online students and the progress of our Deeper Support group- he is interested in looking at the resource from Guy Claxton we are using Spending time with several students who are worrying me- they showed me their course work, explained what they are having trouble with and we talked about some options Talked to an in school teacher about the stress levels of an online student who has to miss one class a week Sorting out the Online mark books with the person in our school who organises them Finishing the MOU...